Monday, September 24, 2007

Walking update: 15 miles yesterday

I made 15 miles & got a nice sunburn yesterday. The weather was great.

I started with a walk to the Kwik-Fill to get the Sunday paper for Lisa; then a while later, she dropped me off in the village & I walked home from there (10.5 miles or so). After a break for water & lunch, I walked the rest around the neighborhood.

Only a few more weeks...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Just because it's about the coolest thing ever...

Do you like Peanuts? Do you like OutKast? Well, I don't care anyway. Check this out: (

In other news, I found out some sad news about one of the most important recent beer experts (yes, his name was Michael Jackson)... he passed away on August 30th. All readers take note: the Old Toad is doing a toast in his honor on September 30th (see also this pdf about this national event).

Finally, in totally other news, I shot my first birdie in golf tonight! I sank an 8-iron shot from about 100 yards away!!! And for those who don't know what this means or don't care, I feel sorry for you.... just kidding :)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Walking update: 9 miles yesterday

No big update... 9 miles walking yesterday in great weather! Walked around the neighborhood for a while & snuck some extra steps mowing (about 1 mile - didn't mow the whole thing 'cause most of the yard is still charred) and grocery shopping (about 3/4 mile, I think? - not a big shop).

The Walk starts four weeks and 5 days from today....

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Walking update: 8 miles today

Wow, a week since my last post! And yes, that means a week since my last walk of any significance.

Tonight had me doing an 8-mile walk on the treadmill at the gym, thanks to the threatening weather. As a matter of fact, I'm hearing thunder & seeing bits of lightning out the window right now. But do you think it rained even 3 drops while I was in the gym on the treadmill looking out the window? No.... but I'm not bitter :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Walking update: 5 miles today

I ran/walked to the gym (3.5 miles), then walked a mile and a half on the treadmill. I'm pretty sore from my longer walk yesterday.

In totally unrelated news, I just saw an alumni e-mail from RIT - a "conversation with President Destler" (Dr. Simone's replacement, of course). May be interesting for any RIT people out there. A few things I noticed were (1) how much RIT's web site and overall production have improved from what I remember starting 9 years ago; (2) how, um, "academic" Destler looks and sounds; and (3) the emergence of yet another new buzzword to which RIT can aspire.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Walking updates

Well well... I haven't written any updates since almost a week ago regarding walking. I have walked twice in the last two days, though.

The first was an 8-mile walk with Lisa yesterday in Oneonta. We went out of town unexpectedly for a funeral Friday morning in Long Island - Lisa's uncle. We were able to spend the weekend visiting with family, then came back to Oneonta yesterday afternoon.

We drove back to Rochester today, and this afternoon I logged my first walkwith double-digit mileage! I first walked 9.2 miles roundtrip to the next town over, then got some water & Lisa joined me for a jaunt around a loop we frequently walk or bike. It's a 2.6-mile loop going from our house, up a big hill to our town hall, then down the other side of that hill, then back up another big hill into the village and back home.

I... am... a little sore right now... But I felt good to log almost 12 miles today.