Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The training continues...

A big part of my time for the past few months - and even more over the three months to come - is my effort to participate in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. You can visit my Walk page here.

There are two difficult pieces involved in this: (1) raise at least $1,800 to participate, and (2) walk 40 miles in two days (in October) (in Charlotte NC). Tonight was focusing on the training part: after going on a 3-mile walk with Lisa last night, I went to the gym for "Cardio Boot Camp" class. At least it was air-conditioned: my evening activity once I got home was to mow the lawn. Yay!

I'll hope to keep posting updates over the next few months, and feel free to check my Walk page for updates on my fundraising efforts. And if around the middle of next October I offer to sell you a kidney or a pet rock from my driveway or something like that... just ignore me.

1 comment:

Woopop said...

You should do the pet rock thing... think of how many rocks you have in your driveway! You'd make a mint? (Or perhaps a quarry?!)