Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The past few days

Since I haven't posted in a few days, I figured I'd bring you up to date (whoever "you" are, anyway... who's reading this?) on what I've been doing.

On Friday, Lisa & I went to Lowe's in Webster (which is to say, not Loew's in Webster, which will soon become apparent). We spent 90 minutes at the hardware store! We were gearing up for the big Work Around the House weekend, which commenced Saturday morning.

This past weekend, we mortared, painted, installed, mopped, vacuumed, caulked, organized,
disposed, recycled, filled, sanded, mowed, and generally did a bunch of stuff we hadn't gotten to over the past 16 months of owning the house.

We took a break Saturday night to hang out at the Pittsford Pub with Carlo, Eric, Tiff, Karen, Jeremy, Kristen, Evan, and Don. You can read Eric's take on this one - he's got it well covered.

After some more work on Sunday, we took another break - this time to see the Simpsons movie, at Loew's theaters in Webster. (Ah, now it all becomes clear...) I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Adam said a friend described it as an extended Simpsons episode, and I wouldn't dispute that. I laughed out loud in the theater a bunch of times, enjoyed random lines from Ralphie and lots of other characters, and even stayed around long enough in the credits to hear Maggie talk. Yes, that's right, she spoke. So if you went to see the movie & didn't sit around through the credits, well then, tough cookies.

In all, it was a packed weekend, but it was nice to be at home & see our friends, and it was really nice to get a bunch of things done around the house.

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